

【RNM】The Special One






The Flesh Curtains在又一次大获成功的演出之后例行地开始了醉生梦死的狂欢,在连续数个小时的放纵、迷乱、和理智全失之后,留在房间里的三个乐队成员进行了如下一段对话:

"I…am…squanchy…done for today…"


"Squanchy squanchy squanchy…you're ruining the scene…" Rick drank a sip from his cup, complaining in a sleepy but slightly soft voice, "The whole point of partying is to get…burrrrp, wasted. I swear to god if I can, I can fuck an entire army of creatures right now." He turned to his right, asking, "Would you like some more crystals, Bird person?”


"I think I'm good for now,thanks." Birdperson refused, tapping a small piece of metal unconsciously with his wings, "I don't know if I am still able to fly home tomorrow.'


"Ahhhh…I'm sure you'll make it. You always will." Rick waved his hands like he doesn't give afuck as always.


"Rick…we squanchied some real squancy music! Did you squanchy-see how the audiences loved us? They were squanchy crazy for us!" Squanchy waved his feet, excitedly in the air, "What do you say we keep playing and sell all of our albums around the world!"


"That…burp, that sounds like a good idea. Who knows, maybe I do wanna start a real band and make some real music."


"And give up your scientific research you've always dreamed for?" Birdperson asked.


Rick did not reply at first, but then he couldn't hold his laughter anymore, and spurted alcohol from his nose, "Nahhhh how's that even possible? I'm not giving up my research for some stupid art form! I'm Rick Sanchez! The future mad scientist! I'm gonna invent soooooooo many awsome things, including a freaking portal gun that can take me anywhere at all dimensions! Can you imagine that? Infinite realities, infinite Ricks? How exciting is that gonna be?"


Squanchy, though heavily drunk, managed to figure out some sense from Rick's nutty fantasy and shouted out, "How squanchy is that even possible?"


"You'll see. One invention is gonna change everything.” Rick said, proudly, but also in a mysterious voice. It seems like he has no doubt in his intelligence, and that confidence is what made himself.


"Must be good to have an infinite version of yourself as companions." Birdperson said.


"Companions? Bullshit!" Rick spat, "There is nothing in this world that can please myself more than to see my head getting blown up by a fucking laser gun. I will chase down all versions of myself, no matter where they hide and kill them one by one if I can. Rick Sanchez never requires some loathsome maniacs as companions. NEVER."


"So that is how you're gonna use your portal gun? To hunt down yourself?"


"Well…sometimes. I still wanna explore some other places, I guess."


"Must be squanchy lonely, all by yourself, squanchy-rejecting others." Squanchy slid from the couch onto the floor, murmuring sadly.


Rick did not seem like he cared at all, "I will have an assistant. A person who is willing tofollow me, obey me, and love me whatever it takes. He might not be perfect, but I'll know he is the one.”


"Sounds like you are squanchy looking for a mate." Squanchy mocked.


"Maybe, maybe…gurp, not." Rick replied, drinking from his bottle at the same time, "He is gonna be special for me. That I cannot deny."


"Rick Sanchez, and his special one." Birdperson smiled, "I shall be impressed."


"Laugh all youwant," Rick lifted up his head, staring at the rooftop like there lied a blueprint of the future, "...but by the time I see him, I'll know we will be sticking with each other, FOREVER!"




He yelled out, but then sleepiness hit him like a thousand-pound hammer. He could not keep himself sober anymore.


The future madscientist, an intelligent mastermind destined for a greater good, waiting for his perfect partner, lost his consciousness on the floor, with his face buried in his vomit.


Sooner or later, loud, thunder-like snoring came out from his seemingly dead body.


What will he dream of?

We never know.


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